Il progetto si è svolto in rete tra l'IIS Liceo Amoretti e Artistico, l'I.C. "Novaro di Imperia" e l'I.C. di Diano Marina.
Il 10 giugno 2019 si è concluso con un incontro presso l'aula magna del Liceo Amoretti in Piazzetta De Negri a cui sono stati invitati i bambini che hanno partecipato e i loro genitori per spiegare l'attività e condividere il video del progetto, che sintetizza il lavoro culturale e artistico realizzato.
Il filo conduttore è stato la valorizzazione del contesto territoriale e la memoria di fatti accaduti, attraverso lo sviluppo e la creazione di "momenti artistici" in cui la musica si unisce alla pittura e alle arti figurative in generale, in una sinergia di linguaggi che hanno avuto come denominatore comune la cultura del ponente ligure.
Da Calvino a Cascione, dalla pittura al fumetto, dalla canzone popolare e partigiana degli anni '40 a quella di autori contemporanei imperiesi, in uno scambio di esperienze laboratoriali.
Docenti ed allievi hanno collaborato in modo attivo e partecipato rendendo questa esperienza arricchente e proficua.
The project took place in the l’IIS Liceo Amoretti e Artistico, l’l.C. “Novaro of Imperia” e l’l.C. of Diano Marina.
On the 10th of June it concluded with a meeting at the l’Aula Magna of the Liceo Amoretti in Piazzetta De Negri in which the children that have been participating where invited along with their parents to explain the activity and to share the video of their project, which summarizes the cultural and artistic work that has been created.
The base of this project was to valorize the territorial context and the memory of events that have occurred, through the development and creation of “artistic moments” in which the music fuses with the painting and the figurative arts in general, in a synergy of languages that they have had as a common denominator the culture of the western part of Liguria.
From Calvino to Cascione, from the paints to the cartoon, from the popolar songs and the partisan of the 40s to the contemporary authors from Imperia, in an exchange of laboratory experiences.
Professors and students have collaborated in an active way and participated making this experience enriching and profitable.
On the 10th of June it concluded with a meeting at the l’Aula Magna of the Liceo Amoretti in Piazzetta De Negri in which the children that have been participating where invited along with their parents to explain the activity and to share the video of their project, which summarizes the cultural and artistic work that has been created.
The base of this project was to valorize the territorial context and the memory of events that have occurred, through the development and creation of “artistic moments” in which the music fuses with the painting and the figurative arts in general, in a synergy of languages that they have had as a common denominator the culture of the western part of Liguria.
From Calvino to Cascione, from the paints to the cartoon, from the popolar songs and the partisan of the 40s to the contemporary authors from Imperia, in an exchange of laboratory experiences.
Professors and students have collaborated in an active way and participated making this experience enriching and profitable.
(Translation by Francesca Creedy-Pearne 3F)